[掌上智能] 劈柴哥表示要紧急修改一个大bug

发信人: Avocado (Persea), 信区: PocketLife
标 题: 劈柴哥表示要紧急修改一个大bug
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Nov 1 00:07:54 2017), 站内


Apple's ordering of the lettuce, presumably a variant of iceberg sourced from an Italian quarry, is understandable as a mechanism for preventing the lower bun from getting soggy. It’s the same approach taken by the In-N-Out chain.

Google's positioning of the cheese is blasphemous, simultaneously defying both culinary physics (how do you cook it to drip down the bun like that?) and good taste (it’ll result in a soggy doughy mess). It's so egregious that Google CEO Sundar Pichai took notice and promised to "drop everything" and address on Monday if folks can agree on what the correct ordering should be.



※ 修改:·Avocado 于 Nov 1 00:08:12 2017 修改本文·[FROM: 73.231.83.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 73.231.83.*]

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