发信人: DoorWay (DoorWay), 信区: Smartisan 标 题: 瑞典人Samuel West博士对锤子产品本身创新失败进行了一种鼓舞与 发信站: 水木社区 (Fri Dec 29 01:41:21 2017), 站内 http://ift.tt/2CiNbcV Usually, smartphone makers get celebrities as spokespeople. In the case of the Smartisan T1, The maker was the celebrity, but neither came off looking too... smart. Luo Yonghao is a famed Chinese blogger and Internet celebrity who - ceclaring himself the "New Steve Jobs" - lauched the Smartisan T1, a smartphone with many functions tailored to the Chinese market. But he couldn't fill the hole left by the Job's loss. Early demand outmatched supply, so some people had to wait four months for their T1s. Then, quality control problems ranging from loose buttons to mediocre sound quality to blurry photos led to furious customers demanding refunds. Not too smart-sian. 一般来说,智能手机制造者会请名人来代言。对于Smartisan T1,制造本人就曾是名人,但是看起来并不太Smart。 罗永浩是著名中国博主和网红,曾自称是“乔布斯第二”,推出了Smartisan T1,一款针对中国市场进行了深度定制的的智能手机。但是他没能补起乔布斯走后,留下的大窟窿。 早期...